The Court can be contacted via the Clerk, Maisie Bassingthwaite, on
D: +44 (0)20 8906 6414
The Mill Hill School Foundation
Walker House
Millers Close, Off The Ridgeway
Mill Hill
London NW7 1AQ
Chair of the Court of Governors |
Mr Elliot Lipton, BSc (Hons), MBA, FRSA, FRICS |
Vice Chair |
Mrs Stephanie J Miller BA (Hons) |
Governors |
Mrs Kamal Dhillon BSc (Hons) |
Mr Vernon Hales |
Mr Andrew Millet BA MBA FCA |
Mrs Mary Moore MSC BA FCIPD |
Mr Noyan Nihat |
Dr Kiki O’Neill-Byrne BA (Hons), MB, BCh, BAO, Dip. Clin. Psych., FRCPsych |
Mrs Mangal Patel MBA Mr T Poole BSc (Hons) Arch Eng, BA (Hons) Arch, Dip Arc |
Mr Mark Skelly BEng (Hons) PhD RAEngVTF |
Mr Nigel Taylor MA |
Mr David Tyme LLB (Hons) |
Link Areas | Governor |
Mill Hill School | Mrs Mary Moore MSC BA FCIPD |
Mill Hill International | Mr Paul Dunleavy BA (Hons) CISSP-ISSAP CISM CDPO MBCS |
Belmont | Mrs Stephanie J Miller BA (Hons) |
Grimsdell | Mrs Mangal Patel MBA |
Cobham Hall | Mr Noyan Nihat |
Keble Prep | Mrs Kamal Dhillon BSc (Hons) |
Lyonsdown School | Mr David Tyme LLB (Hons) |
Safeguarding | Mr Nigel Taylor MA |
Boarding | Dr Kiki O’Neill-Byrne BA (Hons), MB, BCh, BAO, Dip. Clin. Psych., FRCPsych |
Health and Safety | Mr Mark Skelly BEng (Hons) PhD RAEngVTF |
Old Millhillians | Mrs Stephanie J Miller BA (Hons) |