School E-Safety Information and Technology Agreements
Dear Parents,
We are very conscious of growing issues with schools becoming targets of professional hacking. All our pupils have access to a school Realsmart and Google logins that allow access to the school network and Google Classrooms. All passwords must be secure.
We are asking all parents to help ensure their children have changed the default password to a private secure one. Please could parents keep a record of this and ensure their children from Y3 upwards can log in to their accounts independently. Please note if pupils are unable to log in because they have forgotten their password, we will have to reset the password back to the default.
Pupils’ accounts in Nursery – Y2 will mostly be accessed by parents and these need to also be changed from default to an easily remembered secure password.
This year our Acceptable Use acceptance can be accessed via Arbor to make it easier to administer. It is important that parents read and go through the school’s Acceptable Use Policy with their children and then sign it as proof of acceptance. We have put the PDF version of the policy here on the website and are asking parents to go to their Arbor logins to tick as proof of acceptance in place of a signature. Internet access consent is also requested as a tick box in Arbor. Both the AUP and Internet access need only be completed once during your child’s time at the school. The iPad agreement for pupils in Y5-8 however needs to be completed each year.
Pupils in Y5-8 will sign their Acceptable Use agreements in school during computer science lessons but we require parents to look over the AUP and also accept in Arbor. Parents of Pupils in Y5-8 will also need to sign the Pupil/Parent/School iPad Agreements below. The iPad agreement is required to be signed at the start of the new academic year.
Please check the information on this page and make sure you are up to date. Instruction images are at the bottom of the page.
School Requirements :
Parents of Pre-Prep Pupils
Tasks for parents to complete |
1. You have read the AUP policy and accepted via the Arbor portal. |
Please note the Pre-Prep only uses Seesaw and not Google for communication. Seesaw will organised by the Head of Pre-Prep and Form Tutors. Pupils will have access to Google accounts on entry to the Prep school. |
Parents of Prep Pupils
Tasks for parents to complete | |
1. Ensure your child has a secure password to the school website ( Realsmart) and that they can use it with independence in school and at home. | |
2. You have read the AUP policy and accepted via the Arbor portal. | |
3. You have read the Keble Prep Home/School iPad Agreement and accepted via the Arbor portal. | |
How to find the link in Arbor to accept the AUP
Please check the notices for the link.
Record your acceptance.
How to change the Password in Realsmart
After logging in go to edit profile.
Put in the current password followed by the new password and confirm.